Mr. sc. Dario Kremer

Dario Kremer was born May 19th 1969 in Slavonski Brod, Republic of Croatia, where he finished elementary and secondary school and awarded a degree of a sanitary-laboratory tehnician of medical orientation. After that he entered the Faculty of Forestry in Zagreb, Croatia from where he graduated February 21st 1994 as the first student in his class. From November 1st 1994 to October 31st 1995 he worked as a trainee in the public firm "Croatian Forests", Zagreb in Forestry Office Trnjani, Slavonia. After that he worked around one year in Forestry office Slavonski Brod.

During the akademic years 1995/96 and 1996/7 he worked as a teacher of forestry subjects in the Department of Forestry in "Matija Antun Reljkovic" school in Slavonski Brod. From May 9th 1997 he has been working at the Faculty of Forestry in the Department of Forest Genetics and Dendrology as an assistant. He works on the project of professor Želimir Borzan: Ornamental Dendroflora in Croatian Urban Forestry and on the project of Ph. D. Marilena Idžojtic: Interactive Key for Determination of Deciduous Dendroflore in Winter Period. Both of those projects are supported by Ministry of Science and Technology Republic of Croatia. He won a master's degree with the thesis The Presence and Range of White Ash (Fraxinus americana L.) and Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall) in the Kupa River Basin, the Sava River Basin and the Part of the Danube Region. The object of his research are two North American ash species (F. americana and F. pennsylvanica) which were introduced to Croatian lowland forests more than 120 years ago.