Josip Franjić, Ph. D.

Josip Franjic, was born on January, 7 1966 in Music by Đakovo. In 1985 he enrolled in the Forestry Department at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb. He graduated on April 12 1990 from the Department of Forestry Genetics and Dendrology on the topic Larix x eurolepis Henry - morphologic characteristics, obtaining and sciagrams of seeds.

From May 15 1990 he volunteered at the same Department in the Botany subject. In autumn he enrolled in the postgraduate study at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Zagreb. From November 15 1990 he worked as a young researcher in Botany, at the Faculty of Forestry.

On July 1st, 1993 he successfully defended his master's thesis on "The Morphometric analysis of leaves and acorns of the common oak (Quercus robur L.) in Croatia". On November 17th, 1993 he was elected to a scientific-research profession, a research associate, in the field of Forestry. In September 1993 he applied at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics a doctoral dissertation under the title "Multivariate analysis of the common oak (Quercus robur L., Fagaceae) populations in the Sava river and the Drava river basins in Croatia". He defended the dissertation on March 8th, 1996.
State company "The Croatian Forests" designated him on July 6th, 1994 a member of the Committee on taking measures and supervising in Velebit botanical garden.

From January 1st, 1996 he worked as a assistant and from December 10th, 1996 as an senior assistant on Botany. On April 22nd, 1998 he held an inaugural lecture under the title "The morphology of the leaves and its importance in oak (Quercus L.) variability researches." In September 1998 he was elected a assistant professor on Botany and from the academic year 1999/2000 he was designated a lecturer of Botany, which position he holds today. The Council of the Faculty of Forestry appointed him in the academic year 2001/2002 to the position of a lecturer of an obligatory subject "Forestry Botany", which take the 1st year students and an optional subject "Ornamental perennial and annual plants", which take the 3rd year students. In the same year, he was also appointed to the position of a lecturer of two subjects in the postgraduate study at the Faculty of Forestry; "The Taxonomy of intraspecies differentiation" and "Ornamental perennial and annual plants". Mr. Franjic is a member of The Croatian Forestry Association, The Croatian Ecological Association, The Croatian Biological Association, The East Alpine-Dinaric Association for Vegetation Researching. As a result of past researches he published 70 titles.