Doc. dr. sc. Davorin Kajba

KAJBA, DAVORIN, Ph. D., a docent of Genetics and Forest Trees Breeding. He was born on 22nd of August 1956 in Zagreb, Croatia. After having finished primary and secondary school, he entered the Faculty of Forestry, the Department of Forestry in the academic year 1976/1977. In the course of his study, he occasionally worked in the Forestry Institute, Jastrebarsko (the Department of Forest Typology), as well in Forest Office Zagreb. He was a demonstrator in the subject of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding. For a year he was also a part-time technician at the Forest Genetics and Dendrology Department. After completing the military service, he graduated from the Faculty of Forestry in Zagreb in 1984. From 1984 until 1985 he worked at the Forest Genetics and Dendrology Department as a trainee. In 1985 he enrolled in a postgraduate study in the field of Tree Breeding.

On 1st of May 1986 he was employed as an assistant of the subject of Genetics and Tree Breeding at the Department of Forest Genetics and Dendrology at the Faculty of Forestry in Zagreb. On 16th November 1990 he defended his master's thesis under the title " Possibilities of Cloning for the Silver Birch (Betula pendula Roth) and the Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.)". On 17th July 1996 he defended his doctoral dissertation under the title "Interpopulation and Intrapopulation Variability of the Silver Birch (Betula pendula Roth) in a part of its habitat in the Republic of Croatia".

In 1993 he was appointed as an assistant of the subject of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, and as an senior assistant on 17th October 1996. In the year 1998 he became assistant professor and was appointed the subject's lecturer. At present, is the Head of the Department of Forest Genetics and Dendrology.

From 7th February 1989 he was registered within the Ministry of Science and Technology under the register number 137015.

In the period from 1986 until today he has collaborated on numerous scientific-research projects from which one was an international project. Immediately after arriving to the Faculty in 1984, he was engaged into scientific-research work, first as a volunteer and later as a trainee and an assistant professor.

He is a member of the Croatian Forestry Association, the Croatian Ecological Association, the Croatian Association of Genetics, and the East Alpine-Dinaric Association for Vegetation Researching.

He is a member of the Committee for Acknowledgment, Approvement and Protection of Forest clones, as well as the Croatian Poplar Committee at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic of Croatia.

In December 1996 he was designated a member of an expert team for the implementation of resolutions adopted at the First Ministry Conference on the Conservation of European Forests held in Strasbourg. He was a deputy head for the S2 resolution - the Preservation of the Forest Gene Pool.

He is the Croatian representative in the EUFORGEN, in the working groups for the preservation of the gene pool of the European Black Poplar and Noble hardwoods. He is a member of an expert team of the International Energy Agency/IEA and the national "Task 17 Short Rotation Crops" assignment head.

He is the technical editor of Annales Forestales published by the Croatian Academy of Science and Art.