Dr. sc. Marilena Idžojtić

Marilena idžojtić, Ph. D., Higher Assistant Lecturer for Dendrology

  • in 1984 received the qualification Mathematician - Informatician at the Mathematics and Informatics School in Zagreb

  • in 1989 graduated at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb

  • in October 1993 appointed younger assistant lecturer for Dendrology at the Department of Forest Genetics and Dendrology, Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb

  • in July 1996 defended master's thesis: "Morphological characteristics and growing of some interspecific hard pine hybrids in plots Đurdevacki peski and in Arboretum Lisicine"

  • in October 1996 appointed assistant lecturer for Dendrology

  • in 1994 spent one month and in the school year 1996/97 one semester at the Plant Physiology Institute, University of Graz, Austria (the scholarship "Bewerber aus Aller Welt" from Österreichen Akademischen Austauschdienst, Vienna, Austria)

  • in the school year 2000/2001 spent three months at the Kyushu Tokai University, Aso, Kumamoto, Japan (the scholarship from The Matsumae International Foundation, Tokyo)

  • leader of the projects from the Ministry of Science: 1. "Interactive key for determination of deciduous woody species in the winter period", 2. "Hybrids of four pine species and their determination" and co-worker on the project of the same Ministry: "Decorative dendroflora in the Croatian urban forestry"

  • Croatian coordinator for Network on Conifers, European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (EUFORGEN), which is led and coordinated by International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI)

  • in September 2000 defended doctor's thesis: "Morphometric research and composition of volatile oils in the needles of some pine species and their hybrids"

  • in October 2000 appointed higher assistant lecturer for Dendrology