M. Sc. Saša Bogdan


  1. Kajba, D. & S. Bogdan, 1999: Procjena genetskih parametara u klonskim testovima crnih topola (Sekcija Aigeiros). Šumarski list 1-2, Zagreb, p. 3-10.

  2. Kajba, D., S. Bogdan & P. Vratarić, 1999: Growth of white willow (Salix alba L.) clones in mixed plantations with black alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) on the peat-clay type of soil in Podravina (Croatia). International Poplar Symposium II, 48 p., September 13-17, Orleans, France.

  3. Kajba, D., S. Bogdan & P. Vratarić, 1999: Uspijevanje klonova bijele vrbe (Salix alba L.) u mješovitoj kulturi s crnom johom (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) na treesetno-glejnom tipu tla u Podravini. Šumarski list 11-12, Zagreb, p. 523-531.

  4. Kajba, D., M. Idžojtić & S. Bogdan, 1999: Discriminant analysis of leaf morphological characters of the European Black Poplar (Populus nigra L.) in natural population in Croatia. Report of the fifth EUFORGEN meeting, 5-9 May 1999, Kyiv, Ukraine, (J.Turok, F. Lefvre, S. de Vries, N. Alba, B. Heinze, R. Voloyanchuk and E. Lipman, eds.). IPGRI, Rome, Italy:73-76.

  5. Vidaković, M., D. Kajba, S. Bogdan, V. Podnar & J. Bečarević, 2000: Estimation of genetic gain in a progeny trial of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.). Glas. šum. pokuse 37, Zagreb, p. 375-381.

  6. Kajba, D., & S. Bogdan, 2000: Improvement of arborescent willows and multispecies hybrids by hybridization, transgression, back crossing, selfing and inbreeding. Report of the 21st Session of the International Poplar Commission (IPC 2000). Poplar and Willow Culture: Meeting the Needs of Society and the Environment. (J.G. Isebrands and J. Richardson, Compilers). Summary. p. 86.